
Institute für Large Area Microelectronics

Teaching at the IGM covers topics ranging from the fundamentals of electrical engineering and optical signal processing to filter synthesis, flat panel technologies, thin film technologies, and thin film electronics.D


This page always gets updated shortly before the beginnjing of the summer semester's lecture period. Registration for the lab course takes place within the first two weeks of the lecture period.

On the side of teaching, Professor Frühauf offers lectures on filter synthesis, optical signal processing, thin film technology and flat panel technology. Several lab courses allow for students to gain some hands-on experience complementing the lectures. Special mention goes to the lab course for flat panel technology, where students get to build a complete seven-segment liquid crystal display for a digital alarm clock, providing a good overview over the processes essential to display technology. One of the most important components is the independent research by students in projects and final bachelor, reasearch, or master theses. The IGM supervises between 15 and 20 such projects each year.

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