
Publications with contributions by IGM staff members since 2001

IGM publications

  1. 2024

    1. Kai Waldner, Holger Baur, Patrick Schalberger, Norbert Fruehauf, Emmanuel Fuchs, Prasanna Ramaswamy, Nick Vanden Bulcke, Dave Keeshan, Sławomir Drozdek: Printed Chip Interconnects for MicroLED Displays. In: EuroDisplay 2024 proceedings (2024).
    2. Munkes, F., Trachtmann, A., Kaspar, P., Anschütz, F., Hengel, P., Schellander, Y., Schalberger, P., Fruehauf, N., Anders, J., Löw, R., Pfau, T., Kübler, H.: Collisional shift and broadening of Rydberg states in nitric oxide at room temperature. Phys. Rev. A. 109, 032809 (2024).
    3. Gramlich, G., Speder, K., Roemhild, M., Baur, H., Fruehauf, N., Zwick, T., Bhutani, A.: Dielectric Characterization of Adhesives for THz Packaging in WR6.5, WR3.4 and WR2.2 Bands. In: 2024 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). pp. 1–5 (2024).
    4. Kai Waldner, Holger Baur, Florian Kleber, Norbert Fruehauf, Emmanuel Fuchs, Christophe Lincheneau, Aymeric Dufauret, Hugues Lebrun, Thibault Catelain, Denis Groeninck, Pierre Janioud, Clémence Lamaziere, Sandra Michel, Alin Fecioru, Prasanna Ramaswamy, Iwona Gradzka-Kurzaj, Sławomir Drozdek, Łukasz Witczak, Clint Meyer, Dave Keeshan, Matt Meitl, Arthur Moisset, Mohammad Kiaee, Igor Nakonechnyi, Willem Walreven, Madeleine Vandenabeele, Patrick Willem, Matthias Cosaert: Eliminating TFT backplanes in microLED displays using ultra precise deposition (UPD) printed interconnects. electronic displays Conference 2024 proceedings. (2024).
    5. Schellander, Y., Munkes, F., Trachtmann, A., Schalberger, P., Löw, R., Kübler, H., Pfau, T., Fruehauf, N.: Highly efficient real-time spatially resolved sensing of ultraviolet light. In: Engheta, N., Noginov, M.A., and Zheludev, N.I. (eds.) Metamaterials, Metadevices, and Metasystems 2024. p. 1310906. SPIE (2024).
    6. Lotfi, H., Kern, M., Yang, Q., Unden, T., Striegler, N., Scharpf, J., Schalberger, P., Stöhr, R., Schwartz, I., Neumann, P., Anders, J.: A Four-Channel BiCMOS Transmitter for a Quantum Magnetometer Based on Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. 1–12 (2024).
    7. Roemhild, M., Waldner, K., Baur, H., Fruehauf, N.: Process Considerations for Ultraprecise Deposition Printing on Flexible Substrates. In: 2024 IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC) (2024).
    8. Roemhild, M., Gramlich, G., Wendel, J., Baur, H., Zwick, T., Fruehauf, N.: Ultraprecise Printing of D-Band Interconnects Using Dielectric Ramps. In: 2024 15th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC). pp. 57–60 (2024).
  2. 2023

    1. Gramlich, G., Römhild, M., Baur, H., Bhutani, A., Lemmer, U., Fruehauf, N., Zwick, T.: Ultra-Precise Deposition (UPD) Printing for Millimeter Wave Interconnects in D-Band. In: 2023 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). pp. 1–3 (2023).
    2. Schellander, Y., Winter, M., Schamber, M., Munkes, F., Schalberger, P., Kuebler, H., Pfau, T., Fruehauf, N.: Ultraviolet photodetectors and readout based on a-IGZO semiconductor technology. Journal of the Society for Information Display. (2023).
    3. Schellander, Y., Schamber, M., Munkes, F., Loew, R., Schalberger, P., Kuebler, H., Pfau, T., Fruehauf, N.: Ultraviolet Photodetectors and Their Readout Realization for Future Active-Matrix Sensing. Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. 151 (2023).
    4. Nusayer, S.A.A., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Kleber, F., Fruehauf, N.: High-performance MEMS shutter display with metal-oxide thin-film transistors and optimized MEMS element. Journal of the Society for Information Display. (2023).
    5. Fuchs, E., Ramaswamy, P., Baur, H., Drozdek, S., Keeshan, D., Willem, P., Moisset, A., Linchenau, C., Dufauret, A., Lebrun, H., Moodelly, D., Jacquin, E., Catelain, T., Vachelard, F., Groeninck, D., Fecioru, A., Grądzka-Kurzaj, I., Wiatrowska, A., Meyer, C., Meitl, M., Waldner, K., Fruehauf, N., Kiaee, M., Nakonechnyi, I., Walrevens, W., Vandenabeele, M., Cosaert, M.: Building Active Matrix MicroLED Displays by Additive Manufacturing (BAMBAM) – Paving the Way to a Sustainable Fine Pitch Video Wall. Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. 327 (2023).
    6. Schellander, Y., Winter, M., Schamber, M., Munkes, F., Schalberger, P., Kuebler, H., Pfau, T., Fruehauf, N.: 62‐1: Distinguished Student Paper: Ultraviolet Photodetectors and Readout Based on a‐IGZO Semiconductor Technology. SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers. 54, 880–883 (2023).
    7. Roemhild, M., Gramlich, G., Baur, H., Zwick, T., Fruehauf, N.: Ultraprecise Printing of D-Band Transmission Lines. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters. 33, 1419–1422 (2023).
    8. Lotfi, H., Kern, M., Striegler, N., Unden, T., Scharpf, J., Schalberger, P., Schwartz, I., Neumann, P., Anders, J.: A Diamond Quantum Magnetometer Based on a Chip-Integrated 4-way Transmitter in 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS. In: 2023 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC). pp. 253–256 (2023).
  3. 2022

    1. Schellander, Y., Winter, M., Ge, G., Ouyang, Y., Obermueller, S., Schalberger, P., Fruehauf, N.: High Gain Operational Amplifier Using Enhancement and Depletion Mode a-IGZO TFTs. Presented at the Eurodisplay 2022 , Stuttgart (2022).
    2. Kleber, F., Winter, M., Mahakalkar, K., Fruehauf, N.: Influence of Gas Composition during IGZO-Deposition for different TFT Structures and Introduction of IGZO Double Layers. Presented at the Eurodisplay 2022 , Stuttgart (2022).
    3. Nusayer, S.A.A., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Kleber, F., Fruehauf, N.: High Performance MEMS Shutter Display with Metal Oxide Thin Film Transistors. Presented at the Eurodisplay 2022 , Stuttgart (2022).
  4. 2021

    1. Fruehauf, N., Nusayer, S.A.A., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Jurgschat, C.: Characterization of Co-Fabricated Silicon TFT and MEMS Shutter Display. SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers. 52, 333--336 (2021).
    2. Kono, S., Magari, Y., Mori, M., Aman, S.G.M., Fruehauf, N., Furuta, H., Furuta, M.: Hydrogenated In–Ga–Zn–O thin-film transistors with anodized and fluorinated Al2O3 gate insulator for flexible devices. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 60, SBBM05 (2021).
    3. Kaspar, P., Munkes, F., Schellander, Y., Fabian, J., Kasten, M., Rubino, L., Djekic, D., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Löw, R., Pfau, T., Anders, J., Grant, E., Frühauf, N., Kübler, H.: Towards an Optogalvanic Flux Sensor for Nitric Oxide Based on Rydberg Excitation. In: OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES). p. STu4G.3. Optica Publishing Group (2021).
  5. 2020

    1. Fruehauf, N., Nusayer, S.A.A., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Jurgschadt, C.: Characterization of Co-Fabricated Silicon TFT and MEMS Shutter Display. In: Proceedings of the ICDT (2020).
    2. Schmidt, J., Münzenmaier, Y., Kaspar, P., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Löw, R., Fruehauf, N., Pfau, T., Kübler, H.: An optogalvanic gas sensor based on Rydberg excitations. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 53, 094001 (2020).
    3. Munkes, F., Kaspar, P., Schellander, Y., Schmidt, J., Loew, R., Pfau, T., Kuebler, H., Djekic, D., Anders, J., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Fruehauf, N., Grant, E.: An Optogalvanic Flux Sensor for Trace Gases. In: APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts. p. T07.005 (2020).
  6. 2019

    1. Aman, S.G.M., Higashi, R., Hirota, Y., Magari, Y., Koretomo, D., Fruehauf, N., Furuta, M.: Low temperature processed TFTs with Ar+O2+H2-sputtered IGZO channel and high-κ anodic-Al2O3 dielectric for flexible devices. The Abstracts of the 15th ITC. (2019).
    2. Reinert-Weiss, C., Duhme, D., Fruehauf, N.: Augmented Reality Using High Resolution Adaptive Headlights. In: IEEE-Konferenz ICCE 2019, Las Vegas USA, 11.-13.01.2019 (2019).
    3. Fruehauf, N., Schalberger, P., Nusayer, S.A.A., Jurgschat, C., Mammel, P.: Co-Fabrication of Silicon based TFTs and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Devices. IMID 2019 DIGEST. 225 (2019).
  7. 2018

    1. Reinert-Weiss, C., Duhme, D.: High-Resolution LCD Headlamps for Intelligent Lighting. SID magazine “Information Display” 1/18, Vol. 34, No. 1, pages 16-20. (2018).
    2. Schmidt, J., Fiedler, M., Albrecht, R., Djekic, D., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Löw, R., Fruehauf, N., Pfau, T., Anders, J., Grant, E.R., Kübler, H.: Proof of concept for an optogalvanic gas sensor for NO based on Rydberg excitations. Applied Physics Letters. 113, 011113 (2018).
    3. Kammoun, N., Krieg, Y., Ngaleu, G.W., Anselmann, R., Renner, G., Fruehauf, N.: Manufacturing and Encapsulation Process of Bottom Gate Bottom Contact Thin-Film Transistors with a Printed Oxide Semiconductor. SID Display Week 2018, Los Angeles/USA, Digest of Technical Papers, Session 64-4, pages 850-853. (2018).
    4. Schalberger, P., Nusayer, S.A.A., Giraldo, A., Kundu, B., Pires, D., Scholl, R.: Low Temperature Manufacturing Processes for Flexible Liquid Crystal Cells. Proceedings of the SID-ME spring meeting 2018, Jena, Germany. (2018).
    5. Nusayer, S.A.A., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Fruehauf, N.: TFT Integrated Microelectromechanical Shutter for Display Application. SID Display Week 2018, Los Angeles/USA, Digest of Technical Papers, Session 39-4, Seiten 498-501. (2018).
    6. Fruehauf, N., Kammoun, N., Nusayer, S.A.A., Reinert-Weiss, C., Schalberger, P.: Large Area Microelectronics - Technology and Trends. AM-FPD’18 in Kyoto, Japan, The Proceedings of AM-FPD’18, 1-1. (2018).
    7. Nusayer, S.A.A., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Jurgschat, C., Fruehauf, N.: Process Optimization for TFT Integrated MEMS Shutter Display. In: IDW’18, Nagoya/Japan, Proceedings of Int. Display Workshop, S. 1356-1359 (2018).
    8. Schmidt, J., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Löw, R., Pfau, T., Kübler, H., Fruehauf, N.: A transimpedance amplifier based on an LTPS process operated in alkali vapor for the measurement of an ionization current. Quantum Technologies 2018. (2018).
    9. Gaucci, P., Fruehauf, N., Ilchmann, A., Polzinger, B., Eberhardt, W., Kueck, H.: Organic thin film transistors on back molded plastic foil. IOP Publishing Ltd, Flexible and Printed Electronics, Vol. 3, No. 1. (2018).
  8. 2017

    1. Kammoun, N., Renninger, C., Fruehauf, N.: Chapter contribution “Materials for the Manufacturing of an Inkjet Printed Touch Sensor”; in chapter 28, p. 287-297 of the book: “Semiconductor Manufacturing Handbook (2nd edition)”; by Hwaiyu Geng. McGraw-Hill Education, 2nd Edition, 525 Pages, 20.09.2017, ISBN: 978-1-259-58769-6, MHID 1-259-58769-X. (2017).
    2. Schimpf, S., Baur, H., et. al, N.F.: Dickson Charge Pumps Made of Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors on Foil-Substrates. SID 2017 Digest of Technical Papers P-135, pages 1765-1768. (2017).
    3. Schimpf, S., Baur, H., Fruehauf, N., et. al: Dickson Charge Pumps Made of Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors on Foil-Substrates. SID 2017 Digest of Technical Papers P-135. (2017).
    4. Hoehla, S., Fruehauf, N.: Chapter contribution “Ultra-Thin Glass for Displays, Lighting and Touch Sensors” in Part III, Chapter8 of the book “Flexible Glass: Enabling Thin, Lightweight, and Flexible Electronics” by Sean M. Garner. Wiley, 378 pages, August 2017, ISBN: 978-1-118-94636-7. (2017).
    5. Schmidt, J., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Löw, R., Pfau, T., Kübler, H., Frühauf, N.: A transimpedance amplifier based on a LTPS process operated in alkali vapor. AM-FPD 2017, Proceedings No. 7-3, p. 296-298, Kyoto, Japan. (2017).
    6. Schmidt, J., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Löw, R., Pfau, T., Kübler, H., Fruehauf, N.: A transimpedance amplifier based on an LTPS process operated in alkali vapor. In: 21st Int. Workshop Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices (AM-FPD). p. 296 (2017).
    7. Reinert-Weiss, C., Baur, H., Nusayer, S.A.A., Fruehauf, N.: Development of Active Matrix LCD for Use in High Resolution Adaptive Headlights. SID Display Week 2017, Los Angeles, USA, pages 696-699. (2017).
  9. 2016

    1. Furuta", "Mamoru, Krieg", "Yvonne, Tatsuoka", "Gengo, Aman", "S G Mehadi, Hirota", "Yuya, Fruehauf", "Norbert: Low-temperature (150 oC) Processed Self-aligned InGaZnO Hybrid Thin-film Transistor with an Organic Gate Insulator. IDW/AD ’16, Fukuoka, Japan. (2016).
    2. Schalberger, P., Nusayer, S.A.A., Raichle, C.: Parallel Fabrication for Integration of Electronic and Microelectromechanical Systems. Display Week 2016 Digest of Technical Papers, Session 54-1, pages 731-734, San Francisco, USA. (2016).
    3. Kammoun, N., Renninger, C., Frühauf, N.: Investigation of a transparent electrode ink for the manufacturing of an inkjetprinted touch sensor on glass substrate. FLEX2016, Monterey California. (2016).
  10. 2015

    1. Remmele, J., Shen, E., Mustonen, T., Fruehauf, N.: High Performance and Long-Term Stability in Ambiently Fabricated Segmented Solid-State Polymer Electrochromic Displays. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7 (22), pp 12001–12008. (2015).
    2. Remmele, J., Shen, D.E., Mustonen, T., Fruehauf, N.: Segmented Electrochromic Display Demonstrator Showing Long-Term Switching Stability. Proceedings: EuroDisplay 2015, Paper No S9.2. (2015).
    3. Strecker, M., Brill, J., Köhler, S., Weitz, R.T., Fruehauf, N.: Understanding organic thin-film transistor fabrication based on application-relevant deposition and patterning techniques. Phys. Status Solidi A (2015) DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201431881. (2015).
  11. 2014

    1. Gaucci, P., Fruehauf, N., Ilchmann, A., Polzinger, B., Eberhardt, W., Kück, H.: Flexible Electronics on Back Molded Plastic Foils. Digest IDW’14, Paper FLX4-3, p. 1438-1441. (2014).
    2. Fruehauf, N., Benzel, D., Strecker, M.: Technologies for Fully Integrated Printed Displays. Digest IDW’14, Paper FLX3-2, p. 1421-1424. (2014).
    3. Daschner, R., Kübler, H., Löw, R., Baur, H., Frühauf, N., Pfau, T.: Triple stack glass-to-glass anodic bonding for optogalvanic spectroscopy cells with electrical feedthroughs. Applied Physics Letters 105, 041107 (2014). (2014).
    4. Haase, W., Husser, M., Sobek, W., Kurz, E., Rau, L., Frühauf, N.: Liquid Crystal Based Glazing System for the Control of Light and Energy Flux into Buildings. B. Weller, S. Tasche (Editor): Glasbau 2014, 1st Edition. Ernst & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG. 2014. (2014).
    5. Mehadi, S.G.A., Herrmann, M., Schalberger, P., Frühauf, N.: Gate Dielectric for Low Temperature IGZO TFT Fabrication. Electronic Displays Conference, Nuremberg, Germany. (2014).
    6. Strecker, M., Brill, J., Frühauf, N., Gavranic, D., Remmele, J., Weitz, R.T.: Encapsulation of printed organic thin-film transistors using a photo-patternable resist based on orthogonal solvents. Proceedings of the 2014 Flexible & Printed Electronics Conference, Session 7, TFTs. (2014).
    7. Herrmann, M., Fruehauf, N.: Oxide Semiconductor Thin-Film Transistors Using Oxygen Barriers and a Wet-Chemical Back-Channel Etch Step. Proceedings of the SID 2014, Paper Number 33.4. (2014).
  12. 2013

    1. Hoehla, S., Henzen, A., Fruehauf, N.: Development of Electro-Osmotic Color E-Paper. Proceedings of the SID 2013, pages 119-122 (May 2013). (2013).
    2. Fruehauf, N., Diehm, B.: Realization of Equivalent High-Order Optical Interference Filters Under Boundary Conditions. Technical Digest of OIC 2013, 16 - 21 June 2013, Whistler, BC, Canada, pages 1-3. (2013).
  13. 2012

    1. Maximilian, N., Steffen, H., Fedor, J., et al.: Single molecule electrical excitation. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics. (2012).
    2. Nothaft, M., Höhla, S., Jelezko, F., Frühauf, N., Pflaum, J., Wrachtrup, J.: Electrically driven photon antibunching from a single molecule at room temperature. Nature Communications Volume 3, Page 628. (2012).
    3. Fruehauf, N., Schalberger, P., Herrmann, M., Vielwock, A.: Current Mirror and Current Feedback Driving of Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Displays. Proceedings of AM-FPD 12, p 277-280, 2012. (2012).
    4. Diehm, B., Fruehauf, N.: Synthesis of optical thin film filters under boundary conditions. Proceedings of SPIE 8429, 84290Z (2012). (2012).
    5. Schalberger, P., Herrmann, M., Hoehla, S., Vielwock, A., Frühauf, N.: A Current Feedback AMOLED Display Based on Top Gate Amorphous Silicon TFTs. Proceedings of the SID Symposium, p. 1065-1068. (2012).
    6. Maximilian, N., Steffen, H., Fedor, J., et al.: The role of oxygen-induced processes on the emission characteristics of single molecule emitters. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, Vol.: 249, Issue: 4, Pages 661-665. (2012).
    7. Steffen, H., Sean, G., Michael, H., Oliver, K., Xinghua, L., Axel, S., Norbert, F.: Active Matrix Color-LCD on 75µm Thick Flexible Glass Susbtrates. IEEE, Journal of Display Technology (JDT), Vol. 8, No. 6, Pages 309-316. (2012).
    8. Daschner, R., Ritter, R., Kübler, H., Frühauf, N., Kurz, E., Löw, R., Pfau, T.: Fabrication and characterization of an electrically contacted vapor cell. arXiv - Atomic Physics - 1204.2391. (2012).
  14. 2011

    1. Maximilian, N., Steffen, H., Aurelien, N., et al.: Optical Sensing of Current Dynamics in Organic Light-Emitting Devices at the Nanometer Scale. CHEMPHYSCHEM, Vol. 12, Issue 14, Pages 2590-2595. (2011).
    2. Höhla, S., Garner, S., Hohmann, M., Kuhls, O., Li, X., Schindler, A., Frühauf, N.: Active matrix color LCDs on ultra-thin glass substrates. Proceedings of Electronic Displays Conference 2011, March 1st-3rd, Nuremberg, 16.2. (2011).
    3. Herrmann, M., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Fruehauf, N., Langguth, O., Blochwitz-Nimoth, J.: Encapsulation and Yield Improvement of a High Resolution Polymorphous 3ATI AMOLED Display. EuroDisplay 2011, Bordeaux-Arcachon, France, Session 14.4, September 2011. (2011).
    4. Schalberger, P., Herrmann, M., Höhla, S., Frühauf, N.: A fully integrated 1-in. AMOLED display using current feedback based on a five-mask LTPS CMOS process. Journal of the Society for Information Display -- Volume 19, Issue 7, Pages 496-502 (July 2011). (2011).
    5. Kurz, E., Rau, L., Frühauf, N., Haase, W., Prskalo, M., Sobek, W.: Cost-efficient manufacturing process of switchable glazing based on twisted nematic LC cells. Proceedings of SPIE 8114, 811413 (2011). (2011).
    6. Herrmann, M., Hoehla, S., Fruehauf, N., Kim, D.L., Oh, S.H., Kim, H.J.: Comparison of Solution-processed and Sputtered Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide Thin Film Transistors for Display Applications. EuroDisplay 2011, Bordeaux-Arcachon, France, Session P45, September 2011. (2011).
    7. Schalberger, P., Herrmann, M., Fruehauf, N.: Current Control in Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode Displays with Current Feedback. Proceedings of IMID 2011, Pages 33-34. (2011).
    8. Diehm, B., Gulde, C., Frühauf, N.: A design method for high order optical thin film filters under boundary conditions. Warsaw. (2011).
    9. Haase, W., Prskalo, M., Królak, M., Sobek, W., Kurz, E., Rau, L., Frühauf, N.: Switchable Glazing for Architectural Applications based on Liquid Crystal Technology. Glass Performance Days 2011 Conference Proceedings. (2011).
    10. Kurz, E., Rau, L., Haase, W., Prskalo, M., Frühauf, N., Sobek, W.: Switchable Glazing based on Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Cells. SID-ME Chapter Spring Meeting 2011, Seeheim. (2011).
  15. 2010

    1. Strecker, M., Schindler, A., Frühauf, N.: Carbon Nanotubes Deposited by Dielectrophoresis for Thin Film Transistors. Proceedings of the Electronic Displays Conference 2010, Poster Presentations, ISBN 978-3-7723-1433-9 (March 2010). (2010).
    2. Schalberger, P., Herrmann, M., Höhla, S., Fruehauf, N.: A Fully Integrated 1” AMOLED Display Using Current Feedback Based on a Five Mask LTPS CMOS Process. Proceedings of the SID 2010, pages 905-908 (May 2010). (2010).
    3. Fruehauf, N., Herrmann, M., Höhla, S., Schalberger, P., Schindler, A.: Innovations in Active Matrix OLED and Flexible Displays. Proceedings of AM-FPD 10, July 5th - 7th, Tokyo, Japan, pages 1 - 4. (2010).
    4. Herrmann, M., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Fruehauf, N.: A High Resolution Polymorphous 3ATI AMOLED Display Based on a Low Mask Count Top Gate Process. Digest IDW’10, Paper AMD3-3, pages 619-622 (December 2010). (2010).
    5. Höhla, S., Garner, S., Hohmann, M., Kuhls, O., Li, X., Schindler, A., Fruehauf, N.: Full Color AM-LCDs on Flexible Glass Substrates. Digest IDW’10, Paper FLX5/AMD4-4, pages 1689-1692 (December 2010). (2010).
    6. Herrmann, M., Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Fruehauf, N.: 3ATI Display Development as an Application for a Low Mask Count Top Gate Process. Poster Session: P – PT3 (March 2010). (2010).
    7. Schindler, A., Knorr, S., Novak, J.P., Yaniv, Z., Fruehauf, N.: High Yield Solution-based Deposition of Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Transistors for Flexible Display Applications. Asia Display 2010 Digest, pages 265-266 (October 2010). (2010).
  16. 2009

    1. Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Bürgstein, T., Fruehauf, N.: A Low Mask Count Top Gate Process for AMOLED Displays Based on Amorphous or Polymorphous Silicon. Digest IDW’09, pp. 463-466, Paper OLED3/AMD3-2 (December 2009). (2009).
    2. Buergstein, T., Schalberger, P., Kohlenbecker, S., Fruehauf, N.: Two Mask Top Gate TFT Process for AMOLED Display Process with Low Mask Count. Eurodisplay 2009, Rome, Italy, Session 11.3, pp. 228-231 (September 2009). (2009).
    3. Schindler, A., Schau, P., Fruehauf, N.: Active-matrix and flexible liquid-crystal displays with carbon-nanotube pixel electrodes. Journal of the SID, Vol. 17, Issue 10, pp. 853-860 (October 2009). (2009).
    4. Kurz, E., Rau, L.: Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Display with Aluminum Zinc Oxide Electrode. 37th Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystals, 1. - 3. April 2009, Stuttgart, Session O8. (2009).
  17. 2008

    1. Schindler, A., Spiessberger, S., Hergert, S., Fruehauf, N., Novak, J.P., Yaniv, Z.: Suspension-desposited carbon-nanotube networks for flexible active-matrix displays. Journal of the SID, Vol. 16, Iss. 5, pp. 651-658 (May 2008). (2008).
    2. Persidis, E., Baur, H., Pieralisi, F., Schalberger, P., Fruehauf, N.: Area laser crystallized LTPS TFTs with implanted contacts for active matrix OLED displays. Solid State Electronics, vol. 52, no. 3, March 2008, pp. 455-61. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd., UK. (2008).
    3. Schindler, A., Pross, A., Baur, H., Fruehauf, N.: AMLCD with Carbon-Nanotube Pixel Electrodes. SID 2008 International Symposium Los Angeles, Vol. XXXIX, Session 62.2, pp. 947-950, May 2008. (2008).
    4. Fruehauf, N., Goettling, S., Hergert, S., Persidis, E., Schalberger, P., Schindler, A.: Thin-Film Transistor Technologies for Active Matrix OLED and Flexible Displays. ITC 2008, Proceedings, Session 10, pp. 337-342, January 2008, Seoul. (2008).
    5. Goettling, S., Diehm, B., Fruehauf, N.: Active Matrix OTFT Display With Anodized Gate Dielectric. IEEE Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 4, Iss. 3, pp. 300-303 (September 2008). (2008).
    6. Schindler, A., Schau, P., Fruehauf, N.: Flexible Liquid Crystal Displays with Carbon Nanotube Pixel Electrodes. International Display Research Conference, Session 7.3, November 2008, Orlando, Fl, pp. 90-93. (2008).
    7. Fruehauf, N.: Active Matrix Technologies for AMOLEDs and Flexible Displays. LatinDisplay, Session V, November 2008, Campinas, Brazil, pp. 49-53. (2008).
  18. 2007

    1. Hergert, S., Kiesel, M., Höhla, S., Fruehauf, N.: PLED on Steel Foil with inorganic sputtered Hole-Injection Layer. Eurodisplay 2007, Moskow, Russia, Session 2.3, pp. 44-47. (2007).
    2. Pieralisi, F., Baur, H., Persidis, E., Fruehauf, N., et al.: External Compensation of LTPS AMOLED Displays based on a Three TFTs Pixel Circuit. ITC’07 in conjunction with SID-Mid Europe Chapter Spring Meeting, January 2007, Rom, Session P.10, pages 162-165. (2007).
    3. Schindler, A., Brill, J., Fruehauf, N., Novak, J.P., Yaniv, Z.: Solution-deposited carbon nanotube layers for flexible display applications. Physica E, Issue 1-2, March 2007, Pages 119-123. (2007).
    4. Schindler, A., Lindner, A., Goettling, S., Fruehauf, N., Novak, J.P., Yaniv, Z.: Solution-deposited carbon nanotube network TFTs on glass and flexible substrates. ITC’07 in conjunction with SID-Mid Europe Chapter Spring Meeting, January 2007, Rom, Session 7.4, pages 304-307. (2007).
    5. Hlawatsch, R., Baur, H., Hergert, S., Jelting, S., Persidis, E., Pieralisi, F., Schalberger, P., Fruehauf, N.: Top-Emitting qVGA AMOLED Display With Integrated Row Driver Fabricated In LTPS Without Ion Doping. Eurodisplay 2007, Moskow, Russia, Session 12.3, pp. 207-211. (2007).
    6. Hergert, S., Linkor, M., Korny, M., Fruehauf, N.: Process development and accurate low cost characterization for OLED sealants with a calcium test. Journal of the SID, Vol. 15, Issue 6, pp. 421-429 (2007). (2007).
    7. Schalberger, P., Baur, H., Kohlenbecker, S., Persidis, E., Fruehauf, N.: High quality LTPS CMOS TFTs produced with a five mask process and only one ion implantation step. ITC’07 in conjunction with SID-Mid Europe Chapter Spring Meeting, January 2007, Rom, Session 3.5, pages 52-55. (2007).
    8. Fruehauf, N., Diehm, B., Goettling, S., Hergert, S., Persidis, E., Schindler, A.: Active Matrix Flat Panel Technologies. Eurodisplay 2007, Moskow, Russia, Session 2.2, pp. 40-43. (2007).
    9. Yaroshchuk, O., Kravchuk, R., Dolgov, L., Dobrovolskyy, A., Klyui, N., Telesh, E., Khokhlov, A., Brill, J., Fruehauf, N.: Aging of Liquid Crystal Alignment on Plasma Beam Treated Substrates: Choice of Alignment Materials and Liquid Crystals. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Vol. 479, pp. 111–1201149-1158, 2007. (2007).
    10. Hergert, S., Kiesel, M., Fruehauf, N.: Flexible Multi-Color Polymer-LED. ASID 2007, August 2007, Singapore, Session OLED IV, ISBN: 978-981-05-8143-5. (2007).
    11. Fruehauf, N., Baur, H., Buergstein, T., Goettling, S., Hlawatsch, R., Jelting, S., Persidis, E., Pieralisi, F., Schalberger, P., Schindler, A.: Innovative Thin Film Transistor Technologies for Flat Panel Displays. Asia Display 2007, March 2007, Shanghai, China, Session 19-2, Pages 513-518. (2007).
    12. Persidis, E., Baur, H., Hergert, S., Hlawatsch, R., Pieralisi, F., Schalberger, P., Fruehauf, N.: Active-matrix OLED backplanes based on LTPS for small molecules and polymers. Journal of the SID, Vol. 15, Issue 11, pp. 923-929 (2007). (2007).
    13. Schindler, A., Spiessberger, S., Fruehauf, N., Novak, J.P., Yaniv, Z.: Solution-deposited Carbon Nanotube Network for Flexible Active Matrix Displays. Asia Display 2007, March 2007, Shanghai, China, Session 33-4, Pages 882-887. (2007).
    14. Persidis, E., Baur, H., Hlawatsch, R., Pieralisi, F., Schalberger, P., Fruehauf, N.: LTPS-TFT Process for AMOLED-Displays. ITC’07 in conjunction with SID-Mid Europe Chapter Spring Meeting, January 2007, Rom, Session 8.2, Pages 322-325. (2007).
    15. Persidis, E., Hergert, S., Schalberger, P., Fruehauf, N.: An Active Matrix Process for Displays Utilizing Conventional or Inverted OLEDs. Asia Display 2007, March 2007, Shanghai, China, Session 27-4, Pages 703-708. (2007).
    16. Fruehauf, N., Baur, H., Hergert, S., Hlawatsch, R., Jelting, S., Persidis, E., Pieralisi, F., Schalberger, P.: LTPS Processes for AMLCD and AMOLED Applications. SID 2007 International Symposium Long Beach, Vol. XXXVIII, Session 7.1, May 2007, pp. 69-72. (2007).
    17. Schalberger, P., Persidis, E., Fruehauf, N.: A Five Mask CMOS LTPS Process with LDD and only one Ion Implantation Step. Korean Journal for Information Display, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2007, Pages 1-5. (2007).
  19. 2006

    1. Hergert, S., Korny, M., Fruehauf, N.: Advanced Stabilized Calcium-Measurement-Setup for Rapid Testing of OLED Encapsulations. IDRC, September 2006, Kent, Ohio (USA), Session 5.3, pp. 55-58. (2006).
    2. Persidis, E., Baur, H., Pieralisi, F., Fruehauf, N., et al.: A p-channel LTPS active matrix process for OLED displays using a compensation circuit with three TFTs. IMID/IDMC, August 2006, Daegu (Korea), Session 20-3, pp. 403-408. (2006).
    3. Baur, H., Jelting, S., Benson, N., Fruehauf, N.: An LTPS active-matrix process with PECVD doped N+ drain/source areas. Journal of the SID, February 2006, Vol. 14, Issue 2, pp. 119-126. (2006).
    4. Schalberger, P., Persidis, E., Fruehauf, N.: A five mask CMOS LTPS process with LDD and only one ion implantation step. IMID/IDMC, August 2006, Daegu (Korea), Session 43-3, pp. 1645-1648. (2006).
    5. Baur, H., Buergstein, T., Goettling, S., Hlawatsch, R., Jelting, S., Persidis, E., Pieralisi, F., Schalberger, P., Schindler, A., Fruehauf, N.: Active Matrix Technologies for AMLCD and AMOLED Application. IMID/IDMC, August 2006, Daegu (Korea), Session 23-1, pp. 451-458. (2006).
    6. R.Schmidt, Göttling, S., Leusser, D., D.Stalke, A.Krause, Würthner, F.: High soluble acenes as semiconductors for thin film transistors. J. Mater. Chem. 16, 2006, pp. 3708-3714. (2006).
  20. 2005

    1. Barron, C., Angelé, J., Bajic, L., Dozov, L., Leblanc, F., Perny, S., Brill, J., Specht, J.: Development of Binem displays on flexible plastic substrates. Journal of the SID 13/3, 2005, pp. 193-198. (2005).
    2. Brill, J., Goettling, S., Balbás, E.M.: Dielectrics for Organic Transistors with Low Threshold Voltage. Organic Thin-Film Electronics, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 871E, Warrendale, PA, 2005, I9.6. (2005).
    3. Yaroshchuk, O., Kravchuk, R., Dolgov, L., Telesh, E., Khokhlov, A., Brill, J., Fruehauf, N., Reijme, M.: Liquid Crystal alignment on the films deposited by sputtering deposition: dependence on target material and gaseous feed. XIV International Symposium, Advanced Display Technologies, Oct. 2005, Crimea, Ukraine. (2005).
    4. Baur, H., Jelting, S., Benson, N., Fruehauf, N.: Distinguished Student Paper: An LTPS Active-Matrix Process without Ion Doping. SID 2005 International Symposium Boston, Vol. XXXVI, Book II, May 2005, pp. 1266-1269. (2005).
    5. Baur, H., Jelting, S., Benson, N., Feiler, G., Ferenci, D., Fruehauf, N.: A Full-Color Quarter-VGA Poly-Si AMLCD Manufactured without Ion-Doping Technologies. Eurodisplay 2005, Edinburgh, Session 19.1, pp. 496-499. (2005).
    6. Goettling, S., Brill, J., Fruehauf, N., Pflaum, J., Balbas, E.M.: Pentacene Organic Thin Film Transitors with anodized Gate dielectric. SPIE Proc. Vol. 5940: Organic Field-Effect Transistors IV, 2005, pp. 594010-1 - 594010-9. (2005).
  21. 2004

    1. Barron, C., Angelé, J., Bajic, L., Dozov, I., Leblanc, F., Perny, S., Specht, J., Brill, J.: Development of Binem® Displays on Flexible Plastic Substrates. Asia Display/IMID 04 Proc., August 24-27 in Daego, Korea, Session 16-2. (2004).
    2. Rowinska-Scharzweller, A., Fruehauf, N.: Exact synthesis of dielectric thin film filters. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5527, Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical Applications, Sept. 2004, pp. 12-23. (2004).
    3. Diekmann, K., Jakowetz, W., So, F., Gupta, R., Ingle, A., Henseler, D., Heuser, K., Hunze, A., Gieres, G., Gezzi, R., Rogler, W., Buchhauser, D., Rau, L., Vögele, S., Becker, H., Büsing, A., Falcou, A.: Full Color Polymer OLED Displays. ITG-Fachbericht 183, Proceedings Display and Vacuum Electronics, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, May 2004, pp. 101-106. (2004).
    4. Brill, J., Fruehauf, N.: State of the Art of Plastic Displays. ITG-Fachbericht 183, Proceedings Display and Vacuum Electronics, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, May 2004, pp. 167-172. (2004).
    5. Fruehauf, N., Chalamala, B.R., Gnade, B.E., Jang(Editoren), J.: Flexible Electronics 2004 - Materials and Device Technology. Sypm. Proc. Material Research Society, Volume 814, 2004, ISBN 1-55899-764-4. (2004).
  22. 2003

    1. Fruehauf, N., Chalamala, B.R., Gnade, B.E., Jang(Editoren), J.: Flexible Electronics - Materials and Device Technology. Sypm. Proc. Material Research Society, Volume 769, 2003, ISBN 1-55899-706-7. (2003).
    2. Fruehauf, N.: Design and Characterization of Liquid Crystal Light Modulators. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5144, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection III, pp. 268-279, May 2003. (2003).
    3. Specht, J., Tahon, J.-P., Fruehauf, N.: A Full-Polymer Bistable Cholesteric Display. The 23rd International Display Research Conference, Proc. pp. 192-195, Sept. 15-18, 2003. (2003).
    4. Scheffel, M., Birnstock, J., Hunze, A., Paetzold, R., Rau, L., Rogler, W., Vögele, S., Winnacker, A.: Emmission Characteristics of OLEDs on Planar and Non-Planar Surfaces. MRS Symposium Proceedings Vol. 771 Organic and Polymeric Materials and Devices, pp. L7.31.1 - L7.31.6), Spring 2003. (2003).
  23. 2002

    1. Wintermantel, M., Rowinska-Schwarzweller, A.: On Designing FIR Filter using Windows Based on Gegenbauer Polynominals. ISCAS International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Phoenix, 2002, Proc. pp I-412-I-416. (2002).
    2. Brill, J., Lüder, E., Randler, M., Vögele, S., Frey, V.: A flexible ferroelectric liquid crystal display with improved mechanical stability for smart-card applications. Journal of the SID 10/3, 2002, pp. 189-194. (2002).
  24. 2001

    1. Randler, M., Frey, V., Brill, J., Lüder, E.: Printed LCDs with Flexible Plastic Substrates and Laminated Cells. ITG-Fachbericht 165, Proceedings Displays and Vacuum Electronics, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2001, pp. 121-125. (2001).
    2. Frey, V., Lüder, E., Randler, M., Brill, J., Pieralisi, F.: Ionic Effects in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Displays on Plastic Substrates and Addressing of FLCDs for Various Applications. ITG-Fachbericht 165, Proceedings Displays and Vacuum Electronics, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2001, pp. 126-131. (2001).
    3. Brill, J., Lüder, E., Randler, M., Vögele, S., Frey, V.: A Flexible Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Display with Improved Mechanical Stability for Smart Card Applications. Asia Display/IDW ’01, Nagoya 2001, Proceedings pp. 81-84. (2001).
    4. Ullmann, J., Lüder, E.: A reflective vertically aligned AMLCD for LCOS. ITG-Fachbericht 165, Proceedings Displays and Vacuum Electronics, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2001, pp. 381-383. (2001).
    5. Brill, J., Randler, M., Frey, V., Lüder, E.: Layout and Mechanical Properties of a Bistable Smart Card Display. ITG-Fachbericht 165, Proceedings Displays and Vacuum Electronics, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2001, pp. 133-136. (2001).
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